Photo by Allison Johnston
While you all are swooning over the Oscars, The Sufferettes have been working on a new video project. There's a little on set still above to pique your curiosity.
We are hustling to get this done in time to enter the Rapid Fire Theatre Online Video Competition. We are also hoping to submit this (or maybe something else if we want to make ourselves really busy) to the 2013 Laugh Sabbath Film Festival in June. Both of these companies are totally worth checking out for their prolific video and live work. Laugh Sabbath is also currently running an indiegogo campaign to fund their festival. You can pick up cool perks like cheap tickets to their live shows that come with complimentary drinks! Of course you can always donate to support any of the programming Rapid Fire, does, too. They can give you a tax receipt!
Oh, and when we say we are hustling, we actually mean our incredible director and editor and sound mixer, Allison Johnston, is hustling. Holy crap, is she amazing!
You should also check out our luminous guest star, Kathleen Phillips, while you wait for this vid to drop. She's a treat and a half.